Friday, August 12, 2016

Massive Card Collection found at auction

Massive Card Collection found at auction

Baseball, Football and Basketball Cards from 1980's to 1990's 

I have made several videos and posts about my childhood revisited hobby. Knowing there are thousands of us in our 30's and 40's who enjoyed the boom of card collecting in the 80's/90s but as we all know it's a whole lot of paper to find something good.

I just started revisiting this hobby a few years back. Now I have been really buying way to many of these old collections because they are dirt cheap. But I have sold a few for decent money. It just takes going through 20,000 to find 5 (maybe exaggerated example, but you get my point)

This video is a good example of a Massive Card Collection I recently purchased. There will be a couple videos in the series (this is the first) I purchased this lot for less than $10.00. Buying cards from the 80's and 90's is just a hobby. Most of what I get are literally in grocery bags and shoe boxes.

This is just for fun.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Swimming Pigs Bahamas - Amazing Adventure


Swimming With the Pigs in The Bahamas

I thought it was made up or fiction. Nope! There is feral pigs swimming around in the Bahamas and they aren't shy. Located in Exuma - Pig Beach or Big Island.

Truly an amazing place to put on the must see (or do) Adventures. Its a beautiful place and your getting the swimming pigs as a bonus.... Plus I can guarantee your friends on Facebook will freak when they see the pics!